Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week Nine

Communication in a marriage is vitally important. I feel like not enough young couples (myself included) talk enough about tough decisions or ideologies with each other. It is so important for the husband and wife to be tightly united in a marriage and to be able to communicate with each other calmly so they can make decisions regarding the whole family together. In order to best communicate with my husband, I have found that it is always best to talk about an issue when it is first presented. If problems arise in our family and we don't immediately address them or acknowledge them, they become a sore spot and source of resentment in the future.
I also think it is really important to include your children in the decision making process of life events that will effect the whole family's integrity. Of course it is always important for the husband and wife to talk together first before bringing the family together, but in dealing with life changing experiences, or even minor family matters, the children's input is important to include so they feel like they are a part of the family. Even the simplest things such as talking to your children about where they would like to go for a family vacation that year is important. I remember my parents would always ask my sister and I if we had anything that we really wanted to do during the summer at the beginning of break each year. They then would make a list and we would do as much on it as we could.
Most importantly, the lines of communication need to be open at all times between husband, wife, and children. When this happens then the family is able to create a more loving and spiritual home environment.

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